Jackey's Blog

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Friend & Family: Another cool blog

Sunny is a cool guy and he is also a buddy of mine. Recently he sent me the URL of his blog. I have known him for years and he is a better writer than me. I am sure you will enjoy reading his blog more than mine. As you may see, I have been treating my blog as a online photo album ... Probably it isn't the smartest way but hey it works! Anyway, check out Sunny's blog http://sanket-k.blogspot.com

Friday, June 10, 2005

Note Myself: Xilinx ISE 6.3i Fatal Error

Error Message :

Solution :
1. Open the project
1. Highlight the top-level HDL file.
2. Right-click the "Synthesize - XST" process.
3. Select "Properties."
4. Select tab "Xilinx Specific Options".
5. Uncheck "Equivalent Registor Removal"
6. Select "OK."

Thanks to Peter P.